Chef Sebastien Thubert


Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture

Inspiration Menu

These menus can be customized to your preferences for your event and serve as inspiration. Chat with Chef Sebastien Thubert to create your own personal dream menu. These menus are also available as luxury mealboxes or recipe videos.

About Chef Sebastien Thubert

I inherited my passion for cooking from my grandmother and mother, who always tried to make the family meal a time for sharing. I loved perching on a stool to watch them at work in the kitchen. As an adult, it was with family and friends that I did my culinary research to find a cuisine that suited me. After a few courses at the Ecole Alain Ducasse studio, I prepared for professional certification. I graduated top of my class with a CAP in cookery and specialised in catering. The most important thing for me is to be able to offer you dishes that suit your tastes, but that also respect the seasons, are eco-friendly and are prepared by seeking out the best producers in the Ile-de-France and the surrounding area, always giving priority to organic and PDO-labelled products. Whether you're with friends or for a dinner for two, I want you to enjoy a tasty moment, full of finesse and generosity.


Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture
Chef Sebastien Thubert's picture

5 (4 reviews)


Chef Sebastien Thubert will arrive 1 hour in advance of your event


Chat with the chef to arrange extras, such as special tableware or a ring hidden in the dessert 💍


Your kitchen will be left cleaner than it was when Chef Sebastien Thubert arrived.

Help and Support

Our Customer Success Team is available from 7:00 to 23:00 daily to help you with all your questions

Vincent, CTOCasper, CEOClaire, Customer Success Manager
Claire, Customer Success Manager




Home made products by Chef Sebastien Thubert

Our chefs can sell mealboxes, dinner boxes, and other specialities, such as pasta or sauces

Chef Sebastien Thubert does not sell any products yet.

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