Chef Laurence Monteillard's menus are available for private dining & catering events, workshops, as mealbox or as recipe video. Pick a menu or recipe that appeals to you and book through ChefMaison. This means that you can enjoy a high-end dining experience at home with a ChefMaison professional private chef in any way you choose.

Classic Elegance

A timeless menu combining refined flavors and classic techniques, perfect for an elegant dining experience.
Mini Chou Craquelin Parmesan
Burrata with Pistachio and Avocado
Tarte Fleur à la Courgette
Entremet Fraises et Vanille

Seasonal Freshness

A menu celebrating the best of the season with fresh and vibrant flavors, offering a delightful taste of each ingredient.
Dôme de Chèvre Frais
Tomates et Pêches en Salade
Risotto aux Asperges et Parmesan
Charlotte aux Fruits Rouges

Mediterranean Flair

A menu inspired by Mediterranean flavors, featuring fresh, vibrant ingredients and aromatic herbs.
Gougères Garnies Mozzarella
Tarte Fleur aux Navets
Tagliatelles à la Sauge
Tarte Amandine aux Framboises

Gourmet Fusion

An adventurous menu blending traditional flavors with contemporary techniques for a unique dining experience.
Mini Sandwich à l'Anglaise
Carpaccio de Betteraves Assorties
Pappardelles Croustillants au Zeste de Citron
Entremet aux Framboises

Modern Comfort

A modern menu that combines comfort food with sophisticated touches for a cozy yet refined dining experience.
Panna Cotta de Fromage Frais
Œuf Bio Poché
Sukade Steak with Roasted Vegetables
Tarte Amandine aux Framboises

Classic Elegance Menu

Experience timeless elegance with a refined blend of classic dishes, featuring delicate flavors and harmonious pairings.
Mini Chou Craquelin Parmesan
Burrata with Pistachio and Avocado
Filet de Veau en Mignon with Shallot Sauce
Charlotte aux Fruits Rouges et Noirs

Gourmet Indulgence Menu

Savor a gourmet experience with indulgent dishes, expertly crafted for a luxurious and satisfying meal.
Gougères Garnies au Guacamole
Œuf Poché sur Crémeux de Petits Pois
Pavé de Poisson Blanc avec Salsa Verde
Tartelette Fleur de Tunis