Chef Luis Arijon Barazal

Chef Luis Arijon Barazal's picture

About Chef Luis Arijon Barazal

28 years experience working in the catering industry which led to the opening of NOJIRA in my home town in 2016. This contemporary Galician restaurant featured seasonal dishes and emphasized local produce. Trained in Britain, I spent 14 years as a head chef in Paris, with additional experience in England and Spain. My cuisine is healthy, honest, and imaginative, placing great emphasis on both taste and presentation. I prioritize the sourcing and quality of ingredients.

I am a positive and approachable individual who values a pleasant work environment. My passion for food and diverse world cuisines has equipped me with extensive knowledge of international gastronomy and emerging culinary trends. My experience spans fine dining, catering services, launching and running restaurants, private cheffing, cooking lessons, show-cookingโ€™s, as well as appearances on a couple of TV shows.


Chef Luis Arijon Barazal's picture
Chef Luis Arijon Barazal's picture
Chef Luis Arijon Barazal's picture
Chef Luis Arijon Barazal's picture


Chef Luis Arijon Barazal will arrive 1 hour in advance of your event


Chat with the chef to arrange extras, such as special tableware or a ring hidden in the dessert ๐Ÿ’


Your kitchen will be left cleaner than it was when Chef Luis Arijon Barazal arrived.

Help and Support

Our Customer Success Team is available from 7:00 to 23:00 daily to help you with all your questions

Vincent, CTOCasper, CEOClaire, Customer Success Manager
Claire, Customer Success Manager




Home made products by Chef Luis Arijon Barazal

Our chefs can sell mealboxes, dinner boxes, and other specialities, such as pasta or sauces

Chef Luis Arijon Barazal does not sell any products yet.

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