
These are the terms and conditions of ChefMaison (ChefMaison BV), a company with address Eerste Atjehstraat 37-2, Amsterdam. ChefMaison BV is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 87071495.
Last update: 22th June, 2024


  • These terms and conditions apply to all services of ChefMaison, to every agreement concluded between ChefMaison and a User (as defined below) of our website www.chefmaison.com (the “Website”) and all legal relationships and (legal) acts arising therefrom.
  • By using the Website and the services of ChefMaison, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  • The term User; refers to all natural and legal persons who visit the Website, log in to the Website, and/or use, share and/or post the information provided on the Website.
  • ChefMaison will send the terms and conditions free of charge upon request. The terms and conditions are also available on www.chefmaison.com/terms/.
  • The above definitions are used in these terms and conditions both in singular and plural form.


ChefMaison offers an online platform for private chefs (Users) who can work together with potential guests (Users) through the platform. The platform facilitates contact between chefs and guests by chat or (video) call. ChefMaison does not provide catering or culinary services itself.

Use of the Website

  • User must comply with Dutch and other applicable laws and regulations when using the Website.
  • User may not distribute the following via the Website:
    • Plagiarism and/or previously published content and illegal content;
    • Pornographic videos, images or other media with erotic content;
    • Texts or images that are offensive, racist, discriminatory or inciting hatred;
    • Unsolicited advertising (spam)
    • Incorrect or misleading information; and/or
    • Viruses, malware, spyware or other software intended to damage the computers of us or other Users.
  • User may not create an account under someone else's name or otherwise impersonate someone else.
  • User may not approach other Users for commercial purposes other than those for which the Website is intended.
  • If User wishes to report another User who is abusing the Website, User can send a message to team@chefmaison.com.
  • ChefMaison reserves the right to modify or remove the information provided to User before it is made known to Users and/or published on the Website.
  • The right to (partial) refund or compensation lapses if communication between ChefMaison users takes place outside the platform or if agreements are made outside the platform.


  • User must be at least 16 years old to create an account.
  • User must keep the login details of their account confidential from others.
  • User must keep their password strictly confidential. ChefMaison may assume that everything that happens on or with User's account is done by User or happens under User's supervision.
  • If User thinks or knows that their account is being misused, User must report this to ChefMaison as soon as possible. ChefMaison will take appropriate measures in that case.
  • The User is responsible for their behavior and any data, text, files, information, usernames, images, photos, profiles, graphic art, copyrighted works, links, and other content or materials.
  • User is responsible for the confidential data they provide to ChefMaison or for omitting confidential data.
  • ChefMaison is entitled to determine at its discretion whether an account will be granted.
  • ChefMaison reserves the right to modify or delete accounts, profiles, data and other information at any time. ChefMaison also reserves the right to deny Users access to the Website for a definite or indefinite period.
  • If ChefMaison believes that User is violating the law or these terms and conditions, ChefMaison may exclude the User (partially) from the Website. For example, ChefMaison can exclude the User from the Website by:
  • Deleting the User's account; or
  • Blocking parts of the Website for User.

Rates and payment

  • Unless otherwise agreed with the chefs, the following refund policy applies: more than 7 days in advance 100% refund, between 3-7 days in advance 50% refund, otherwise no refund. If Users paid outside of ChefMaison, ChefMaison is not responsible for the refund.
  • All prices used by ChefMaison are inclusive of VAT.
  • ChefMaison reserves the right to edit incorrect information on invoices and redistribute correct invoices - which are then binding
  • Payment of invoices from ChefMaison must be made within 30 days of the invoice date.
  • In case of non-payment or late payment, the User is in default by operation of law without notice of default. User is then liable for statutory (commercial) interest from the date the payment became due until the date of full payment, with interest calculated over part of the month being calculated over a whole month.
  • If a User is in default, for example because amounts due cannot be collected by ChefMaison, ChefMaison is entitled to cancel the User's account.
  • ChefMaison is authorized to increase the rates if:
    • There is a case of legal price increases;
    • Within three months of the conclusion of the agreement and this is the result of legal regulations or provisions; and/or
    • From three months after the conclusion of the agreement, if the increase is not unreasonable.


  • ChefMaison is not a party to the agreements concluded between Users and is therefore not responsible for the agreements between Users. In the event of a conflict, Users must resolve it themselves.
  • The right to (partial) refund or compensation lapses if communication between ChefMaison users takes place outside the platform or if agreements are made outside the platform.
  • ChefMaison is only liable for direct damage caused by gross negligence or intent by ChefMaison and up to a maximum of once the amount stated on the invoice.
  • ChefMaison is not liable for damage resulting from any act or omission in response to information on the Website or from:
    • Linked websites, even if there are imperfections; and/or
    • Inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information offered.
  • ChefMaison is not liable for loss or alteration of data and for interruption, delay, and improper transmission of information.
  • All claims against ChefMaison expire after one year. This one-year period starts when the claim arises.
  • ChefMaison may temporarily or permanently disable access to the Website, for example, if User violates Dutch law or these terms and conditions.
  • Users indemnify ChefMaison for claims by third parties in respect of loss or damage caused by them through the use of the Website or by non-compliance with these terms and conditions.
  • Users must keep their password strictly confidential. ChefMaison may assume that everything that happens on or with User's account is done by User or happens under User's supervision.

Intellectual property

  • The intellectual property rights of the Website, including the texts, images, design, photographs, software, audiovisual materials, and other materials, lie with ChefMaison and/or its licensors.
  • It is not permitted to reproduce, copy, sell, or otherwise make available the Website or parts of the Website without the written permission of ChefMaison.
  • Users retain the intellectual property rights of the texts, files, and photos they post on the Website.
  • Users grant ChefMaison a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, display, distribute, and promote these texts, files, and photos.


  • ChefMaison reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. The most recent version of the terms and conditions can always be found on www.chefmaison.com/terms/.
  • Amendments will take effect 30 days after the amended terms and conditions have been announced. If User does not agree with the amendments, they must notify ChefMaison within 14 days after the announcement, in which case the existing terms and conditions remain applicable.
  • Continued use of the Website after the amendments have taken effect signifies agreement with the amended terms and conditions.


  • If any provision of these terms and conditions is void or voidable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.
  • Dutch law applies to these terms and conditions. Disputes will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Additional arrangements can be made between ChefMaison and User. In that case, these terms and conditions will remain applicable unless explicitly deviated from in writing.