Looking for a high-quality culinary experience?
Request personalized quotes from our 500+ private chefs and caterers
Select the cuisines you had in mind for the event. Can't find a cuisine? Create it!

Let us notify chefs for your service in the area of your event. Please find the address of your event below:

When are you planning to have your Chefmaison Experience?

The more the merrier. How many guests are you expecting?
How many courses are you aiming for?

What is your maximum per person budget?
Of course, this is just an indication. Chefs will give you a better indication when they are offering you their personalized proposal. This will include possible additional expenses such as travel costs or wine pairings.
Tell us as much as possible about your event. Planning any surprises? Extra fireworks? Hidden wedding rings? This will help the chefs in making better personalized proposals for you. For example:
- Is there parking availability near the event?
- Do any of the guests have dietary preferences, such as vegetarian or vegan?
- Are there any allergies (lactose, gluten, peanuts) or pregnancies?
We are now creating your account so that chefs can send you proposals. We will notify you through email and WhatsApp once we have something for you!
You are not committing to anything here. After our chefs send their personalized proposals, you can confirm your reservation through the platform afterwards.
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Our Customer Success Team is available from 7:00 to 23:00 daily to help you with all your questions