Chef Antonio Napolitano

Naples, Italy 🇮🇹
Chef Antonio Napolitano's picture

À propos de Chef Antonio Napolitano

I was born and raised in Naples, Italy, and my passion for food started when I was a child. I used to spend most

of my time admiring my first cooking teacher, my Mum... then I decided to transform my passion into a

profession, so I became a Chef.

I started my career in Naples, where I worked for 5 years in different restaurants and pubs before moving to

England, where I lived and worked for ten years. This experience gave me the opportunity to get to know different

cuisines and cultures and enriched me personally and professionally.

I am a very extrovert person and my desire to work in contact with public and meet new people every day has

driven me to stop working in restaurants and undertake the profession of Private Chef, so that I can pass on my

passion for food to others.

I have now been working as Private Chef for a over a year and what I am enjoying the most is the interaction with

people but also the idea to bring the same quality and professionalism they would find in one of the finest

restaurants, in the cosiness of their own home.


Chef Antonio Napolitano's picture
Chef Antonio Napolitano's picture
Chef Antonio Napolitano's picture
Chef Antonio Napolitano's picture
Chef Antonio Napolitano arrivera 1 heure avant votre événement
Accordez des extras avec le chef via chat. Pensez à des ustensiles de table spéciaux ou à une bague cachée dans le dessert 💍
Votre cuisine sera plus propre qu'elle ne l'était lorsque Chef Antonio Napolitano est arrivé

Aide et support

Notre équipe de réussite client est disponible de 7h00 à 23h00 tous les jours pour vous aider avec toutes vos questions
Vincent, CTOCasper, CEOClaire, Customer Success Manager
Claire, Customer Success Manager




Produits faits maison par Chef Antonio Napolitano

Nos chefs peuvent vendre des boîtes repas, des boîtes dîner, et d'autres spécialités, telles que des pâtes ou des sauces
Chef Antonio Napolitano ne vend pas encore de produits.

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