Chef Simone Sorace

Milan, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Chef Simone Sorace's picture

About Chef Simone Sorace

My name is Simone Sorace, I am 34 years old, and I have been a cook since 2007. I have experience in renowned restaurants and holiday villages across Italy. Since 2019, I started my career as a private chef and made it my full-time job in 2021. I provide chef-at-home services throughout Italy, France, Switzerland, and worldwide if the client covers the transfer. I have cooked for celebrities like Ron Perlman, DJ Skrillex, footballers Consigli and Bogร , and valet Laura Barriales. I also offer catering for weddings, banquets, private events, cooking classes, and team-building activities. As a master baker, pizza maker, and Fisar Milano Level 1 sommelier, I aim to amaze customers with my cuisine.


Chef Simone Sorace's picture
Chef Simone Sorace's picture
Chef Simone Sorace's picture
Chef Simone Sorace's picture
Chef Simone Sorace will arrive 1 hour in advance of your event
Chat with the chef to arrange extras, such as special tableware or a ring hidden in the dessert ๐Ÿ’
Your kitchen will be left cleaner than it was when Chef Simone Sorace arrived.

Help and Support

Our Customer Success Team is available from 7:00 to 23:00 daily to help you with all your questions
Vincent, CTOCasper, CEOClaire, Customer Success Manager
Claire, Customer Success Manager




Home made products by Chef Simone Sorace

Our chefs can sell mealboxes, dinner boxes, and other specialities, such as pasta or sauces
Chef Simone Sorace does not sell any products yet.

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