Chef Gérard Dehaye

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Over Chef Gérard Dehaye
After studying Business Engineering, pursuing expertise in Accounting, and starting my career as a Group Manager in an Accounting Firm, I co-founded an Advertising Agency and the Eastern Advertising Department of the Les Echos newspaper with my brother and friends. Always passionate about cooking, and having been in contact with some of France's greatest chefs like Michel Bras, Michel Guérard, Didier Oudill, I decided as I approached fifty to pursue my passion and dreams and become a professional chef.
After completing a one-year diploma course at AFPA Epinal, I further trained under my esteemed chef friends: Michel Bras, a three-star chef in Laguiole, and Didier Oudill, a two-star chef in Grenade-sur-l'Adour. After this additional training, my wife and I purchased a restaurant in Alsace, in La Vancelle. Quickly, this restaurant became recognized in the Alsatian gastronomic landscape, earning accolades from my peers such as a Bib Gourmand from Michelin, 2 Toques, and a 15/20 rating in Gaultmillau, 1 point in the Champérard Guide, 1 pot in the Pudlowski Guide, and the hearts of our clients who travel many miles to experience my creations.
After taking over a restaurant in the Basque Country with Didier Oudill, I returned to Alsace to be with my wife and established myself as a Private Chef to share, at your home, the "Heart" and knowledge bestowed upon me by my esteemed chef friends. My cuisine is creative, flavorful, and meant for sharing, made exclusively with fresh ingredients. I specialize in cooking techniques, especially low-temperature cooking that I can perform at home with my immersion circulator. This technique is applied to eggs (perfect eggs) as well as various meats, fish, and vegetables.

Sfeerfoto's gemaakt door gasten 📸

5 (26 reviews)
Chef Gérard Dehaye zal 1 uur voor uw evenement arriveren
Stem direct extra's met de chef af via chat. Denk aan speciaal tafelgerei of een verborgen ring in het dessert 💍
Schone keuken
Uw keuken wordt schoner achtergelaten dan het was toen Chef Gérard Dehaye arriveerde
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Veelgestelde vragen
Zelfgemaakte producten door Chef Gérard Dehaye
Onze koks kunnen maaltijdboxen, dinerboxen en andere specialiteiten verkopen, zoals pasta of sauzen
Chef Gérard Dehaye verkoopt nog geen producten.
Super expérience, je ne me rappelle pas avoir si bien manger. Chef gerard est une personne exceptionnelle qui a su grace à sa cuisine illuminé notre repas de mariage. J espère un jour refaire appel à ses services !
Lorsom - 3-2-2025